Tuesday 29 June 2010


We all have immortality, we live on through our children and their children. We live on in the hearts of the people we touch. As long as we are remembered we live on.

Good bye Grandad x

Friday 18 June 2010

1006.18 GEOFFREY WILLIS HALL 1932-2010


Yesterday, just before 19:00 my Grandad passed away. A light has gone out inside of me and I miss him so much.

There will never be another like you, love you x

Wednesday 16 June 2010

1006.16 MOVING UP

Moving OutThe last to days we have been moving office at work. We have gone from a building in the City Centre to a small  building in the local community we serve. When I say "we have been moving" I use the phrase loosely as I have had very little to do with the logistics of the operation. In fact the whole team have been moving everything except me and one other. This means that my stuff is up at the new place in crates waiting to be unpacked. Everyone else is sorted. I feel aggrieved about being one of the only two left to pick up all the work whilst everyone else go to get stuck in with the task of getting the new place operational. I did manage to move my personal stuff up but only in between jobs.

It's a good job the 'powers that be' don't do brewery trips. In my opinion the whole operation has been badly organised.

Sunday 6 June 2010

1006.06 DARK TIMES

I'm in such a mess at the moment, I usually cope pretty well with anything that life throws at me but at this moment in time I just can't seem to get a grip on things. There is so much going on, all negative my mind just can't cope. I fear though this is just the tip of the iceberg and things are set to get worse before they get better.

Tuesday 1 June 2010


My blogging has been a little all over the place recently. Perhaps this is because I am at a particularly low point in my life. I feel so much despair, I really don't know how much more shit I can take.

The question I am asking myself is should I carry on blogging? It's pretty evident that I have no readers, comments practically never happen and I feel like I am shouting into the abyss. The reason (apart from my writings) is probably down to social networks. I love Twitter (Facebook is a bit plebby for my liking these days) and the instant reaction dynamic but it's gone so quick. Blogs last potentially forever (especially if they are achieved correctly) and are more detailed, thought out and sometimes (maybe not in my case) more entertaining.

So are blogs dead? Maybe not quite, but is mine?