Monday, 11 May 2009

0905.11 STAR TREK

NeroOk, I went into the movie with some doubts....

I have to say I loved it, can't wait to see it again. But is it a Star Trek movie? Yes and no is the answer. Most Trek movies of the past were big budget elongated episodes that mainly appealed to fans, this is a blockbuster movie about Star Trek with plenty of references for the fans. Not sure about the new timeline clean slate thingy but I guess if Star Trek needs to survive and recruit new fans then I'll go with it. As long as by the 24th century it's all smoothed out so Picard and co. can get along with they're adventures I'll be content.

Don't be put off, it's a movie for fans and non-fans alike. You'll love it.


  1. Thanks for that.

    If you paraphrase it, would it be true to say if you were a fan of the original "Vic Reeve's Big Night Out", you'd like this new Vic Reeves film, or rather if you never 'got' "Big Night", but loved him and Bob in "Shooting Stars", you'd like his new film?

    Of course, you have to be a Vic Reeves fan to understand that...

    All that aside, the most important thing; did you have any "pick and mix" and if so, what did you pick?

  2. Well I'm glad you enjoyed it. I will probably wait for it on DVD though...

  3. James, no pick and mix for me. I'm usually a large sweet popcorn man but it was an early showing and decided to go for an overpriced bag of Minstrals instead.
