Saturday, 25 December 2010


As John Lennon once said 'And so this is Christmas', this particularly is the 40th one I have celebrated.

My Christmas is a family one with my wife and 2 daughters. We shared dinner with my father-in-law and soon Morticia's step sister and family will arrive for drinks and nibbles. I'm making a point not to visit any social media today and apart from a couple of texts and this blog post I've not touched my phone, I've also left my Blackberry swiched off for the day.

I'm glad to be here after what has been a difficult year. Morticia's illness and the possibility of a dietary condition (which proved negative) caused tension at home along with teenage angst with my eldest daughter. The voting in of a Conservative lead coalition government and all the job uncertainty that brought has been pretty much on my mind. The most difficult this to bear for me this year has been the passing of my Grandad who meant the world to me. Life carries a lot of pain, it's what shapes us but sometimes it feels that the pain is too much to bear, this year is one of the most challenging in those respects for me.

On the good side I managed to make the family holiday to Wales happen once again, I really never tire of that place. Work is good and I find myself now spearheading the social media revolution within our team running a Twitter feed and Facebook page. My cycling has dropped off a little but this is because I'm still waiting for the Cycle to Work scheme to start up again.

I hope that next year I get cut a little slack my fate and finally manage to get thing evened out. All I want is to enjoy life more without all the difficulties that seem to be piled on me in abundance. It will be the year of my 40th, a real milestone, one that does bother me. Still, let's see...

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