Wednesday, 29 January 2014


My website has been around for many years and for the last few years I've toyed with having a mobile version. Everyone seems to have one and even my blog has a special mobile view when accessed via a phone (thanks to Blogger). I'm no web designer, just a tinkerer and have always thought it would be a difficult task for my skill level so I never pursued it.

Today I had a nasty session at the physio which left me feeling sick and in a bit of pain. I ended up booking the rest of the day off work. After a couple of painkillers and a little nap I found myself doing a bit of work on my laptop (proper working from home work). After that I found myself playing with a free service that mobilised your website. To detect a mobile device I had to add some HTML code into my website to redirect to their service. This got me thinking that there must be a bit of code that I could use to redirect to my own creation. I quickly found it and knocked together a simple version of my home page.

I uploaded to my server and after a little tweeking it works. On a phone now (not a tablet)if you go to you are redirected to a simplified version of my home page. I'll keep working on it but I'm enjoying getting back into my web presence.


  1. well done you ;o)

    its always good if your surfing on the phone and the website has a mobile page ;o)

  2. Thank you. It's the first time in ages I've felt like tinkering like that. Maybe I'm getting back to my old self.

  3. Well done.
    I'm a bit of a technophobe I'm afraid :-)
