Monday, 28 March 2016


I've been blogging for many years. In the early days there was quite a community out there happily sharing comments and reading each other's ramblings. Then came social media and blogging fell by the wayside for many. I have still blogged on and off for the last few years but not as frequently as perhaps I should have. 

It's become increasingly obvious that the 'great unwashed' are everywhere on social media filling it with their ill informed drivel and spite filled opinions. So I turn back to my blog and the lovely people that surround and read it. I also enjoy reading other people's blogs but recently my reading list has started to wear a little thin with some of my regular reads abandoned for months and even years.

It's time it get some new blood so to speak to replenish my reading stock and to perhaps get some reciprocal reads back. I've added a couple of new blogs to my list, the only problem is that the blogosphere seems full of writers using the blog as a money making machine. I don't want sponsored posts, they're so false. So where are the real bloggers? I'm sure they're out there under the pro writers and monetisers.

If you know of any good reads please let me know.

Supplemental 1604.11;
I found about three new reads in the blog world and I'm still looking for more. It's not easy to seek out interesting blogs that aren't about fashion or making money out of blogging (which sounds a bit like a pyramid scheme to me). 


  1. Well, thanks for adding me to your reading list! I've never wanted to do Facebook, tried Twitter, tried Ello I think it was called and I'm not really interested. As for my own blog, it's losing it's appeal again....! I much prefer reading and commenting.

    1. Please keep sharing. I find it relaxing not only to write what's on my mind but to read what's on others minds.


    1. I've added you to my reading list. Thanks.
