Sunday, 3 April 2016


I was in 2 minds whether to go cycling with the club today or not. Last night I sensed a prickly sensation in the back of my throat and this morning it was a little worse. It wasn't really on my chest so I thought I'd head out anyway, after all I could always head back if I didn't feel up to it.

It was quite a large group up at the meeting point but quite a number of them were off to conquer Holme Moss. I wasn't up to that so I headed off with the remaining to Knottingley.

It was a good ride, I didn't let the beginning of some illness slow me down. We visited the Farmer's Kitchen at Brears Farm.
The ride home was good, I almost forgot about my throat. When I got home I realised I was more exhausted than I would expect. I knew this tickle was going get me in the end.

By the evening I felt dreadful.


  1. Sorry to hear you were left feeling dreadful. Hope you're feeling better now after a few days.

    1. Feel like death at the moment but I guess you have to get worse to get better.

  2. Replies
    1. I'll get through. Not been ill in ages, guess I was due.

  3. I hope you are feeling better. Seems I have had the same sort of bug, my throat is wheezing even when I sleep and it's not on my chest! I've felt so tired too and couldn't imagine going for a bike ride! I hope you managed to get some rest to get over it.

    1. It's a work in progress at the moment. Rest is all I can do really, this is a funny one. No blockage, just wheezing, coughing and tiredness. Hoping I'm better after the weekend.
