Monday, 16 January 2017

1701.16 A NEW HOPE

It's not a Star Wars post before we begin.
For anyone that knows me or has followed my writings for any length of time will know that my wife Morticia suffers from a chronic illness. This has been the fact for 10 years and has proved challenging for all of us as her freedom and independence was slowly taken from her. 

She has been to visit doctors many times over the years but she has met with various negative reactions from dismissive to downright offensive. It was as if they were just writing her off. 

Anyway, the past is just that and as we embarked on a new year we decided that she needed to go and try to fight for some sort of treatment or therapy. Morticia is a regular visitor to websites and online groups specialising in chronic conditions and it's been mentioned that she should have doctors check her for other conditions which have treatments available and even medication that can be prescribed. 

I made an appointment last week with a view to accompany her so the doctor didn't overwhelm or dismiss her. It was difficult to get the appointment as apparently the surgery was closing for half day training. I managed to get the last one of the day. 

Neither of us had met this doctor before and I was prepared to fight her corner as we entered the consulting room. In fact we needn't had worried. The doctor was well versed in the condition and organised for a series of tests and for some treatment. 

So now for the first time in many years she has hope. We all have hope.

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