Friday, 14 April 2017


As usual at Easter I find myself in the liar of my Mother-in-law as my family travel south to stay for the weekend. I've been lucky in getting Easter off pretty regularly, I'm guessing not that many at work are that bothered about it to compete. We drove down last night which was pretty uneventful, the roads were fairly clear and we made it down in good time.

So what's planned for this weekend? Not sure but I'm hoping to relax a little and since I've bought a little bag for my 'office' I may get to stockpile a few webcomics. Nothing set in stone exept maybe devouring of an Easter Egg.

So today is "Good Friday", well I hope for everyone it's a great Friday. Remember Easter predates and transends established religion so if you are like me take it as a beginning, the real start of the year when you can put aside the gloom of winter and embrace the new life all around and the oncoming warmth of the sunshine.

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