Monday, 24 April 2017


What was your first computer? If you're under 35 you probably wouldn't give much thought to when you were first introduced to a computer. If like me you're not a Millennial or a Baby Boomer then your first computer or even your first experience of a computer would have probably been a big event in your life. It certainly was for me.

Friday, 21 April 2017

1704.21 SNAP VOTE

So our great oppressor, the wizened old crone in charge, has decided to take advantage of the current opinion polls and increase her meagre majority by throwing away the fixed term parliament act and calling a snap general election.

Sunday, 16 April 2017


So take away the religion and Easter is an almost perfect festival. Perhaps it's everything Christmas should be?

Friday, 14 April 2017


As usual at Easter I find myself in the liar of my Mother-in-law as my family travel south to stay for the weekend. I've been lucky in getting Easter off pretty regularly, I'm guessing not that many at work are that bothered about it to compete. We drove down last night which was pretty uneventful, the roads were fairly clear and we made it down in good time.

Friday, 7 April 2017


There has been a lot said about diesel vehicles in the news lately and how owners are going to be hit by new charges and pollution taxes despite previous governments encouraging people to switch to the fuel citing environmental benefits.

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

1704.04 ROLLO ROUNDUP #01

If you don't follow me on Social Media (why not?) then you might not know about Rollo.

Saturday, 1 April 2017

1704.01 EVIL TAKES A DAY OFF #03

Sometimes Evil is forced to take a number of days off when the law catches up with them. Welcome to issue 3 of "Evil Takes a Day Off". Can't believe how well received my work seems have been, this and my single panel "Rollo" cartoons have exceeded my expectations in regard to the comments I've received. Thank you all so much!