Sunday, 4 March 2018


The great Siberian freeze and follow up storm came. The snow was followed by a mighty freeze with a 'feels like' temperature reaching a bone chilling -12°C! The landscape became white and services ground to a halt. The storm became know as "The Beast from the East"

The view from my office
Tuesday I cycled to work, the forecast wasn't great but I was willing to take a chance. I was on an afternoon shift and it started to snow... and snow... and snow. It was quickly evident that I was not cycling home. The weather never improved and my bike still languishes at my place of work (safe and dry).

I have to go to work, if I don't get in I don't get paid (or I have to take a holiday leave day), unlike teachers who seem to declare a 'snow day' at the first flurry! I managed the commute with a combination of walking and public transport. I have to say that along with the amazing job of the emergency services and the council workers I have to say that the guys out there providing a valuable service in very difficult conditions.
I had to battle the Beast to get to work
On that same day I received a text message from Morticia to say that the boiler wasn't working properly. I confirmed this when I (eventually) arrived home. I have boiler cover so I arranged for an engineer to visit. I was worried that he might not get through the snow and ice. I was relieved when he got here but he had to order a part and come back the next day. More worry. He made it through though and warmth was returned to our home.

The obligatory snow on my car pic
The country ground to a halt with many lamenting on the fact that places like Norway and Canada handle many times more snow than what we have had this week. They seem to forget that we are a country of moderate weather. Rarely hot or cold, dry or wet - we sit generally in the middle. As such an investment in the infrastructure needed wouldn't be cost effective so it's better to take the hit.

No bread left!
What really got me was the amount of people trying to get about despite the warning and then complaining when there's a delay in rescuing them when they got stuck. Not once during the news coverage did the reporters interviewing stranded motorists did they ask if their journeys had been absolutely necessary. The panic buying of bread and milk always puzzles me. If everyone just bought as normal there would be enough to go around.

We are pretty much on the other side now with a big thaw promised over the next few days (with the possibility of floods), maybe we'll get spring now?

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