Tuesday, 13 March 2018


Yesterday I went to visit my Nan in the hospital. She'd had a fall at the weekend and fractured her arm and hip. She's in her 80s and a little frail these days. I was worried what I would find when I visited her.

I took my eldest, Harley, with me (which meant me going to pick her up). Parking at the hospital is a nightmare but that's perhaps a subject for another day. We went up to the ward and when I turned the corner real fear gripped me. I've been here before, when you get to my age you've usually witnessed most of your elderly relatives go through ill health. 

My Nan was sat in the corner next to a hospital bed and smiled when she saw us. She was in good spirits and pleased to see us. She was very confused, initially not even realising she was in hospital - her memory isn't great these days. She was comfortable and not in any pain. We stayed for an hour (pushing the limits of visiting time) before leaving her.

I won't be able to see her for another week because of work and I'm hoping she'll be home by then.

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