Sunday, 14 July 2019


For many years now I've been a regular visitor to St. Neots in Cambridgeshire. It's been the home of Morticia's mother and if I'm honest I've become quite fond of the place.

St. Neots is a small unremarkable market town that initially I wasn't that impressed with. Over the years however I've visited regular and if I'm honest the place kind of grew on me. Morticia visited far more than me (obviously) but I usually facilitated her transportation home on her visits. All in all I probably visited 4 to 5 times a year.

All that changed last week when Morticia's mother and her partner moved house...
....up to our neck of the woods. In fact they moved to a house in Doncaster, 20 minutes drive (and also on a direct bus route from our house). We went down for moving day, quite emotional for all but our mission was to transport the cats.

So this could be the final visit to the quaint little town we've become quite attached to. Morticia has said she would like to visit occasionally but this will probably be with her mother to visit friends they both have. But me? I'm not sure, if the opportunity arrises I'd love to visit.

I'm not 100% sure if it's my last time but potentially it is. And if it is this is truly a sad event.

But on the other hand Morticia gets her mother nearer, and the area she's moved to seems nice. So it's perhaps good to take the positive from the event.

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