Wednesday, 25 December 2019


As I usual I like to take an opportunity to look back at my year as it disappears in the 'rear view mirror'. The post is published at the same time as the Queen gives her speech, and as she does I've prepared it beforehand, I'm guessing at the moment it goes up I'll be tucking into our seasonal feast.

I've not been looking after my blog as much as I'd like, unfortunately life (and more accurately work) has been getting in the way. My cartoon alter-ego has had a refresh which I am really happy with and I've managed to get the webcomic back up and running - the challenge will be to keep it up.

So let's look at my year...

What I’m Remembering…
This year it was 20 years since Morticia became my bride. So how would be an appropriate way to celebrate? Party? More vows? No, we decided to go to our 'happy place' in Wales with our now grown up children (we haven't had a family holiday together since 2012). We didn't need the pomp and celebration to mark the occasion. We took a boat trip and enjoyed being a family together.

20 years later...
My youngest daughter to the step into adulthood and celebrated her 18th birthday. I think that means I'm done bringing up kids (except I know this isn't the case).

Rags is all grown up
What I’m Happy About…
Like last year my beard gives me a lot of pleasure, it's hard to explain to my bald faced friends but there's something majestic about a magnificent facial growth.

My cartoons have (in my opinion) improved over the last 12 months. I've even refreshed my cartoon self. 
I built a magnificent fire pit in my garden this year which gives me loads of pleasure.

What I’m Worried About…
This year saw my role reviewed which was a smokescreen to raid our pay. Our pay is to be cut from March next year. Managing on a reduced income is going to be challenging.

5 more years of conservative government following the recent general election, if I'm honest scares the shit out of me. I honestly thought there might be light at the end of the tunnel but it looks like, with Boris running the show, darker times might be ahead.

No longer funny, the Prime Minister (I didn't vote for this)
What I’m Annoyed About…
Brexit, the whole business and how it's distracted the whole country away from more important issues. It has become so divisive that I believe it's the reason we got the last general election result.

The managers who orchestrated our pay cut. I'm more than annoyed, I'm fucking furious with them.

What I’m Looking Forward To Next Year…
I'm not sure what positives are ahead of me at this point in time.

What I’m Dreading…
I'm not sure how things are going to pan out at work with lower pay and the fact that our team has been decimated by leavers (and not the Brexit ones).

What I’m Loving...
Star Trek on TV is going through a golden age at the moment. Season 3 of Discovery is coming up next year and season 1 of Picard starts in a month.

I'm on a bit of a journey at the moment and it gives me great pleasure as I uncover more about myself.

What I’m Planning…
Not much. Maybe more cycling. My life is pretty mundane with very little content. It's pretty much bed and work. 

That's my lot for another year, settle down and raise a glass, goblet or horn of your favourite beverage....

Cheers ! Iechyd da ! Skål ! makien cheresNa zdrowie
Sláinte ! 
干杯 ! Proost ! Prost ! Будем здоровы

(Except those that conducted my role review at work,
I hope they get a unscratchable itch right up their arseholes)

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