Monday, 3 February 2020


It's been a manic few days, we had a serious thingy happen at work which has turned everything upside down.

On the bright side this got me out of a week working at another site doing stuff that, to be honest, I don't think I should be doing. It's been a busy time for us all and we've been working flat out. It's annoying though that overtime offers have been a little thin on the ground.

I know I don't talk about work much and am a little evasive about what I do but there is a good reason. But my work last week saw me getting my mush on the local TV news whist attending a meeting in a professional capacity. Unfortunately I can't show you as it will reveal what I do.
I've been on the local news, I might share the
image when I write my memoirs 

My bad luck with cycling hit with 3 punctures in a as many days, I realised my tyres were wearing thin so I replaced them (along with the brakes). Then all was well until my rear rack failed in the middle of Tinsley, a bolt looked like it either worked loose or sheared off. An easy fix but not at the side of the road. Anyway it's all fixed now so I'm hoping for some incident free cycling.

I got to my weekend off (finally) only to be struck down with a nasty cold, it's not the best time to be seen with a sniffle but I can assure everyone that I've not been anywhere near China. I had booked a bit of leave to tag onto my weekend which my superiors were a bit arsey about granting, they did in the end - 14 hours before it was due to start, considering I requested it a month earlier it's all a bit shit.

And the rest?

I bought myself a new pair of Chucks in the sale (I love my Converse).

It was really sad that Nicholas Parsons passed away a few days ago. Actor, veteran broadcaster and presenter of 'Just a Minute' for longer than I've been alive.

We left the EU on Friday, a sad day for anyone who considers themselves a European and thinks that leaving is a massive mistake.

My final word of this post is about the news I just heard about the fact that Gillian Anderson has been casted as Margaret Thatcher for the next season of 'The Crown'. I mean what the fuck? I've always had a bit of a soft spot for Ms Anderson but how can I reconcile this? She's playing Thatcher! The Prime Minister who decimated the North of England. I can't fancy Thatcher!
Gillian Anderson
(image subject to copyright of the owner) 

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