Monday, 20 April 2020


Some time ago I wrote about the review on my role at work and how it'd been pushed through resulting in a nasty pay cut. 

To make the pay cut happen a shift change was implemented (so certain allowances could be removed). We been working this revised pattern since the end of February and although I have a couple of weeks off sick I'm sure I'm getting the feel for the shifts. 

To cut to the chase, it's shit. In my opinion it's not fit for purpose, it makes a work/life balance difficult. The sometimes minimum breaks between shifts make me feel sick. I have a feeling (based on years of experience) that when the lockdown is over the shifts will also make it more difficult to do my actual job. 
The illustration above shows just how I feel whilst working this pattern. The fact that I'm locked down when not at work is beneficial since the reduction in personal time (a number of shifts have been moved to cover the middle of the day - ie. more finishes at 6pm or 7pm) means the impact on my life is not as great for now. Things will change and the impact will be felt. And no one will care, I'm not sure how it will pan out and if the aim is to make life difficult so we leave but I don't have many options... I'm stuck and need to work. I've had to take the pay cut on the chin but they lack empathy and support for those that chose to stay in the job. 

In other news I've been saving for a new shed for some time and I am so pleased to say I'm about there (luckily I'd managed most of it before my pay cut). The new shed will replace to old wooden one which is only held together by willpower and good fortune. I've priced up the project and sourced suppliers for the structure, base and flooring. I'll also need new shelving.