Sunday, 8 November 2020

2011.08 LOCKDOWN 2.0

So from last Thursday the UK is back in a full lockdown which means we can only leave our homes for essential journeys. All non-essential shops and hospitality have been closed.

This time it's all a bit different, businesses are pretty Covid-secure this time around so workplaces that aren't affected by the mandatory closures are less likely to close too. Prior to lockdown we in this area were in tier 3 which meant there were some hospitality closures and limits to meeting up anyway.

The biggest impact on my life is that I'm not able to visit my parents and also my Nan who is (according to the doctors) reaching the end of her life. This might change as she deteriorates but it's still heartbreaking for all of the family.

Work still exists for me which I guess I should be thankful for. The way we work has adapted though but we still have too many colleagues who think they know better and flount the rules imposed to protect us. This really boils my blood since it's only working together that will see us come out the other side of this. 

As I write this post the only good thing to happen this year is dominating the news coverage and that is the electoral defeat of the orange mad man in America by the now President-Elect Joe Biden. Maybe after the madness of recent times this could be the start of better times for the planet. Only time will tell.

I'm still drawing, I have a number of artistic tasks to undertake over the coming weeks - some related to the festive season. I'll share details as I work through them. In the meantime I'll leave you with next week's cartoon strip (posted weekly on Tapas, WebToon and Instagram).

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