Friday, 1 January 2021


I'd say most of us will be glad to see the back of 2020. I called it last year as a shit year but obviously didn't forsee the pandemic and the associated blight to all our lives. 

For me, family has gotten me through although I'm lucky enough to have work to go too which has been a diversion from the world's issues. The one thing I've managed to take away from this whole thing is the importance of the people in our lives. Our family and friends are everything and it's so easy to take them for granted until we are told to stay away from them. I've gotten closer to my parents (who celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary in lockdown), closer than I have done in many years, and I hope that this will continue.

Mum and Dad
My Morticia and my girls are my world, this I have never taken for granted but during these strange times I have come to appreciate them all the more. 

But this blog post is about the future not the past. It is difficult to be positive about 2021 when we've just been through a horrendous year that has affected all our lives.

Last year, as on previous years I set my self three achievable 'resolutions'. I think I managed 2 out of the 3 and as they say, that "ain't bad".

1. Produce a comic strip a week, develop the strip and improve my skills.
I think my cartoon has improved greatly over the last 12 months, I missed 1 week but that was more than made up for when I created extra strips.

2. Cycle more,  get out more. I know I want to but I need to work on my motivation.
Don't get me wrong, I cycled. I cycled a respectable amount but this was purely down to commute miles.

3. Make my trip to Wales count and do more exploring.
The trip to Wales this year almost didn't happen because of the pandemic but we got there and we really made the most of the short time we had. 

Morticia with me in Llangrannog

So this year it's difficult to set any goals really. I guess something along the same lines. 

1. Get out on that bike, see more and do more cycling!

2. Enjoy your trip to Wales and soak in every experience.

3. Develop and improve your cartoon strip and drawing skills.

So there we have it. I'm going to end this post with my stand out moment of last year. I'm going to say that building my garden workshop / manspace has been the highlight that stands out for me for 2020.

I'm going to say that I hope 2021 is a massive improvement on its predecessor (and unless there's an alien invasion or the machines rise it couldn't be much worse) and that we all look after each other and stay safe.

Happy 2021!

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