Tuesday, 27 September 2022


I've been excited for my holiday for a long time. There was a time where I believed we weren't going to get away what with the energy prices and the cost of living crisis but we've managed it and we are here... in our happy place.

As usual our journey started early, I know the route like the back of my hand so no issues there. Roadworks on the Woodhead pass didn't hold us up and we got through Manchester so quickly I hardly noticed it. The usual stop offs and wishes that we could enjoy some of the places we pass through. One day we'll plan a week to tour the journey, there really is so much to see.

We arrived at around the usual time and after a walk on the pier we checked into our caravan and got comfortable. I get criticised for coming back to the same place year after year but we are happy here, relaxed here and I really need to be relaxed.

It's still weird holidaying without the children (who are of course all grown up now) but it's nice to move on to the next stage. There are a lot of doggies here which makes us yern to have our Magnus with us, shame they don't allow dogs in the caravans.

I'll share more in a new post when I get back home.

Supplimental 2210.03;

It's hard for me to describe just what my holidays to New Quay mean to me, and indeed us. I've tried in previous posts so won't go over it again. This week has proven the point that weather doesn't have to be great for us to enjoy ourselves.

The weather was dreadful, there was rain, strong winds and the like. But who cares? The weather may have changed some aspects of what we did but not how we enjoyed ourselves.

Every trip has to end (for now) and the journey back wasn't easy. It always tugs on my heartstrings to leave but this time it was made more difficult with a road closure on the M56 near Liverpool.

We've always dreamed that we will move to New Quay one day and that hasn't changed but with the way things are financially at the moment (and as I write this the govenment has just tanked the economy) we have ammended our dream to acheiving ownership of a static caravan one day. It's not the same but close enough. Maybe when the mortgage is paid and things (hopefully) improve?

Until next time, hwyl.

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