Monday, 24 October 2022


Where do I start? As I write this the conservative party are selecting a new leader, the 3rd in less than 2 months.

I'm no Tory supporter, in fact I'm the opposite - I believe that everyone in society deserves a decent life. So for our government to have done such a piss poor job of the last 12 years and like the Terminator they just refuse to die despite how smashed up they are.

So, instead of calling a general election the party will select a new leader - the 3rd in under 2 months. Like a rock climber on a wet cliff they cling to power desperate to hold on and that isn't a ideal position for any government in the middle of a crisis.

I can only hope the next one doesn't make things any worse than they already are (some might say they couldn't get worse, the Tories would probably say "Hold my beer").

Supplemental 17:35;

At 2pm Rishi Sunak's only apponent withdrew and so it was confirmed that he would be our next PM. Let's see how he does.

We must be an international laughing stock.

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