Monday, 25 December 2023


Another year in the bag and the big news is that I didn't die (well this would be the definition of irony if I fail to survive the next week). The shitstorm continues with high prices and low wages ravaging those of us on below average wages but we struggle through. The world is full of war and climate distasters, I feel so bad for those affected. Maybe one day the power hungry megalomaniacs will get their heads out of their (or each others') arses and work to solve these solvable problems although I'm not holding my breath.

So, as we feast on this day of Yule with my family around me I am reminded that I'm truely a rich man in a real sense. We are together around the table and I for one am thankful to the Gods for helping me get to this point.

What I’m Remembering…
After the previous years this year feels like it's been fairly uneventful, at least near me. Worldwide there have been wars, massacres, death, distasters and many dark events. On the homefront our leaders continue to asset strip the country to line their pockets before (hopefully) being turfed out of government next year. The King was coronated for which I was supposed to receive a medal but it has yet to appear.

What I’m Happy About…
I got a new bike earlier this year, the plan was to have a light summer bike to compliment my usual communter ride. Unfortunatly the older steed suffered catastrophic damage due to some mishap with the chainset and if off the road indefinitely. On the plus side the new bike is performing really well and a am more than happy using it year round.
I'm also really happy about myself too. I long since stopped hiding my inner self away and now feel empowered.

Lastly, I upgraded my phone and got one with a pen so I can doodle when I'm out and about. 

What I’m Worried About…
I'm trying not to worry too much, positive thinking and all that. I do worry about the state of the world and what we humans continue to do. Money, and the lack of it of course - there are things to pay for and not a lot of cash knocking about (for me anyway).

What I’m Annoyed About…
People's attitudes readly piss me off. There are so many that spew hate out against others. Why? People are different - we should celebrate that.

What really boils my piss is that homelessness exists today in a country where there are people that can afford multiple houses. They need help, it's not impossible and it frustrates me that society doesn't want to do more.

What I’m Looking Forward To…
Next year could possibly be the biggest years in my life, I can say more than that at the moment but there a lot going on.

Morticia is 50 next year, a massive deal. We've booked for Wales as always and we plan to take the kids and the dog.

What I’m Loving... 
My family, my dog. I also love my drawing, its purely selfish and it's great therapy. 

I publish a weekly comic strip online, it might not be the best but I really do enjoy the process.

What We’ve Been Up To…
Been to Wales twice this year, the first time we took Magnus on his first doggie holiday. I say every year about how much I love the place and nothing has changed in that regard.
In February we went to York for the Jorvik Viking Festival, we plan on returning again next year.

What I’m Watching
I've been watching the classic US police drama from the 90s - early 00s - 'NYPD Blue' or as I saw it, the redemption of Andy Sipowicz.
There's very little new comedy on the TV at the moment. 'Ghosts' comes to an end this yule season, it's done really well and even has a sucessful American version.

Then there's Star Trek. Picard was a televisual event of a lifetime that properly concluded the 'Next Generation'. Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks proved that this is indeed a golden age for Star Trek.

What I Need To Do…
I need to continue to explore myself and enjoy to the fullest extent this stage in my life. Great things are ahead and I must be ready.

No one in my circle was lost this year, which at my stage of life is an achievement in itself. I'm going to go now and feast, drink and be merry. So I'll wish you a very good Yule, the best of times for the festive period and as I always say, let's raise a glass, goblet or horn of your favourite beverage....

Cheers ! Iechyd da ! Skål ! makien cheres ! Na zdrowie

Sláinte ! 干杯 ! Proost ! Prost ! Будем здоровы


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