Sunday, 31 January 2010

1001.31 PLOT? WHAT PLOT?

Ok, anyone reading the last entry might be forgiven in thinking what the picture has to do with the text. This, my friends illustrates my point exactly. I was supposed to go on about how I'd indulged over the Christmas period and now because of all the stress I am under I am comfort eating, topping that the bad weather (and time off work to look after Morticia) mean less cycling, I am worried about gaining weight. I'm not fat, never have been (although I started to get chunky on the latter years of my bus driving) but it does seem to run in my family.

I also wanted to mention that my downfall as most people know are crisps, especially chilli flavoured Doritos. I can't help myself, they are just so handy and flavourful.

I have to some extent managed to replace the snack with another less fattening one; Rivita crispbreads and Marmite. Mmmmmmm! The cycling seems to have started to get back into full swing again so maybe I shouldn't worry. *Sigh!* Don't think I will though.


No CrispsI've found it difficult to write this post, not because of the subject matter, that's the usual drivel I deliver. No, it's been difficult because I've found it hard to put aside any time recently, even minutes have been difficult to spare of late. Morticia has been ill, kids have been kids and work has been riddlied with politics. It seems that everyone wants a piece of me despite the actions I've tried to implement over the last few months.

I need time for me, alone. I'm never completely alone and I've always got a task at hand. Cycling has always been an escape but I need more, I did want to push it to the next level but with no way of funding a new ride (work's Cycle to Work scheme seems to be tied up in upper management wrangling) I can't see me pushing past extended commutes. I also got my Unlimited cinema card so I could escape. It's just not happening, I can never seem to get free from the demands on my time.

I realise that this is a rant but I need to get this off my chest otherwise I'll never get the perspective to bring this blog back on track. It is true what they say...

Life gets in the way of living.

Sunday, 24 January 2010


The Captain's Movie Review in Seven Words


Sunday, 10 January 2010

1001.10 THE ICE AGE

I seems like an eternity since the snow came. The land is white and for the first time in my adult life I can say that this is what winters were like when I was a kid.

I loved it last Tuesday when the snow came across the region hard and everything ground to a hault within the hour. The great unwashed started to panic. That was the day when certain people had a genuine reason not to get in to work. For the rest of the week people en-mass took the piss and declared 'snow days'. The worst offenders in my opinion were teachers. How many schools were closed unnecessarily because of this 'don't give a toss' attitude?

We've been warned that the cold snap will continue for the foreseeable, it's been like 'The Day After Tomorrow' out there.

It's fun if slightly tragic how badly the great unwashed drive in the slippy stuff. So much so that I've mothballed my cycling whilst the snow and ice is on the ground. Where I live never ever gets gritted, perhaps because it's a dead end at the bottom of a hill. It's been funny to see cars come down and get stuck getting off. I've never gotten stuck and always manage to get my car off.

Wrap up warm guys.

Sunday, 3 January 2010

1001.03 ALLONS-Y

Bye Bye DoctorI just couldn't let the excellent performance of David Tennant as Doctor Who pass without saying just how much myself and all the family have enjoyed watching.

I remember when the series returned and how exciting it all was, how my youngest daughter embraced the show and how all the family sat down on a Saturday to watch. I was initially disappointed to see Christopher Eccleston leave but I have to say that the show wouldn't have continued without the power and enthusiasm of Mr Tennant.

We all watched the rollercoaster that was the 10th Doctor's final moments and then, with tears in our eyes, he regenerated...

I have high hopes for the new series, I don't listen to the negativity because that's what has always happened (at least it has in my lifetime) when a Doctor has regenerated.


Friday, 1 January 2010


The first posting of the new decade, but what was I doing 10 years ago....?

Everyone had celebrated the millenium, I guess I must have been doing the same pretty much as I have today. My eldest was 3 years old, an only child at the time. I was a bus driver dreaming of a new career. We were still newlyweds and Morticia wasn't ill. The future looked bright.

It's been a challenging 10 years; babies to teenages; 3 became 4; new home; collectormania; Wales; facebook & twitter; new job; cycling etc etc.

I'm looking forward to the next 10 years. Happy new year, happy new decade everyone.