Saturday 30 October 2010

1010.29 MOVEMBER

MovemberA few of the guys at work have decided to lend their top lips to men's heath charities and do that most gentlemanly of pursuits, that is grow a moustache. We have a team and you can follow our efforts here on my blog. The challenge is simple grow the best 'mo' you can in 30 days and get sponsored for it.

This is what 'MOVEMBER' is all about...

If you want to donate please visit

Visit my Mo Space at

Monday 25 October 2010


It's been a rough week for me with a nasty bought of manflu that made work really difficult. I even took Wednesday off to sleep off the effects. Whilst it was welcome it didn't quite do the trick.

I've been looking forward to visiting my Mother-in-law down in St Neots this weekend, kind of like a short break. This break is coming to an end and whilst I'm feeling lots better today has been a somber affair with the death in the early hours of my Mother-in-law's best friend.

Wednesday 20 October 2010


Anyone who knows me knows that I'm no lover of the Tories. I watched Thatcher destroy the community I grew up in. The North has taken years to get back up on it's feet only to be knocked on it's arse again by Cameron and his Tory boy sidekick.

I sat and watched George Osborne deliver his 'smoke and mirrors' presentation waiting to see how far he was going to cut my department. Watching it turned my stomach and yet the information he passed was so vague that lots of public sector workers are still in the dark.

It appears that my job is safe at least for the next couple of years. The future for the whole country is in doubt now but what is clear is that while Osbourne says we are all in it together, it's apparent that some are more in it than others.

Saturday 16 October 2010

1010.16 DEAD GIRL

This week they pulled a dead girl out of the canal at the bottom of my street. I didn't know who she was, I've heard different things about her but it doesn't change the fact that she's been murdered. It's never good but it's really shocking when it's in your own community.

Friday 15 October 2010


Since I got back from our holiday my cycling has been pretty much just the daily commute. Pleasure rides are getting fewer and fewer. Part of the reason being that the bike needs some tweeks and adjustments, things that mean taking the bike off the rode for a few days. I only have the one bike so I can't afford to be without it, I'm waiting for Cycle to Work to start (scheduled by the end of the year) so that I can take the old one off the road.

Over the last few weeks the ride has become a chore, I've found myself considering my options for the commute which I never thought I'd ever do.

Maybe it's the bike, it's riding like a dog and since returning from holiday (and after seeing those cyclists riding in Wales) I've longed for a decent road bike and the only way I have of funding that dream is through work.

The Cycle to Work scheme has been a battle at work which has had it's ups and downs. We finally got an agreement to start a new scheme (but not a timescale) last month.
I don't know why after so many years I feel like this, my cycling dreams are turning stale.

Thursday 14 October 2010

1010.14 DEVIL

Builds up to very little. Very short.

The Captain's Movie Review in 7 Words.
