Wednesday 29 March 2017

1703.29 A SINGLE MAN

Don't panic, Morticia hasn't left me, she is spending a few days in London with a friend so it's just Rags, me and the cat back home. Years ago this would have meant me taking loads of leave off work for childcare but now it's really just me and the cat. Rags is busy with her out of school activities and when she's home she's always in her room (as it should be). So I'm left living the single man life for a couple of days.

Sometimes in a relationship a short time apart is a good thing. So I've done this many times and it's an opportunity to relax a little, watch loads of sci-fi and eat junk. The thing I learn from this experience, and I come to the same conclusion every time is that I'd make an awful single man. I'm untidy and eat too much junk. Morticia has always kept me on the right path and although I feel this period of separation is a good thing it should never be for a long period, I don't think I'd survive.

She went on Monday morning and returns on the late train tonight. It's been a chance to clear my head but tomorrow I'll clear my body. Tomorrow I kick up my training for a big cycling event I'm doing at the end of next month.

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