I loved it last Tuesday when the snow came across the region hard and everything ground to a hault within the hour. The great unwashed started to panic. That was the day when certain people had a genuine reason not to get in to work. For the rest of the week people en-mass took the piss and declared 'snow days'. The worst offenders in my opinion were teachers. How many schools were closed unnecessarily because of this 'don't give a toss' attitude?
We've been warned that the cold snap will continue for the foreseeable, it's been like 'The Day After Tomorrow' out there.
It's fun if slightly tragic how badly the great unwashed drive in the slippy stuff. So much so that I've mothballed my cycling whilst the snow and ice is on the ground. Where I live never ever gets gritted, perhaps because it's a dead end at the bottom of a hill. It's been funny to see cars come down and get stuck getting off. I've never gotten stuck and always manage to get my car off.
Wrap up warm guys.
I was out delivering Sainsbury´s goods in Derbyshire on saturday and sunday. Never got stuck, but even morons in the city with a 4x4 got stuck!!! WHY?
I watched someone in a 4x4 Hilux pickup get stuck the other day at Platts Common, Barnsley... I drove straight by him in my rear wheel drive Suzuki van.
There really is no explaining some people.
Loved watching them, it seems very few people can drive in the slippy stuff. My advice to the? Stay at home.
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