I'm in such a mess at the moment, I usually cope pretty well with anything that life throws at me but at this moment in time I just can't seem to get a grip on things. There is so much going on, all negative my mind just can't cope. I fear though this is just the tip of the iceberg and things are set to get worse before they get better.
Beard of the day
1 day ago
Hope things brighten up for you soon Captain x
This is how I tend to cope doesn't work for everyone but I find it helps me. I get two pieces of paper on the first sheet I write the heading What can I influence/change on the second sheet What I can't influence/change; I then make a list.
All the items on the first piece of paper I try to change or influence. As for the second piece I screw it up and throw it in the bin and stop worrying about them because what will happen will happen and I can't do anything about it.
This is my favourite quote which I have found to be very true
If you're in a bad situation, don't worry it'll change. If you're in a good situation, don't worry it'll change. ~John A. Simone, Sr
Hang in there.
Hang in there, Captain. Two years ago I was certain my life was never going to be ok again. Living through a single day was a victory. Things can and do change. For all of us.
This is a bit of a pollyanna fix, but it helps... take a minute at the end of a day, or when you can and write out 3 things that made you feel good that day, or even a bit better than you had been. Sometimes you have to dig deep or go for a trivial, sometimes 3 things are just too much, but you get into the habit of looking for a positive. This helps to put the dark into some sort of perspective and can make it seem slightly less grim or more copable with. Found the list I made when things were really naff a couple of years ago, they still made me smile, might start it again. Take care, Deb
I feel a bit better now, still got loads to cope with but managing to get things into a little perspective.
You guys a brill, constantly calling out to me through the darkness, reassuring me and giving me the strength to get through.
Thanx :)
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