Christmas is over
for another year and as we all pack away the baubles and the tinsel it's time
to assess the damage. In all probability we've overspent and still have to buy
food to last until the next payday.
A few weeks of overeating and drinking have definitely had an effect, plus the fact that I've not done a jot of exercise over the festive period.
A few weeks of overeating and drinking have definitely had an effect, plus the fact that I've not done a jot of exercise over the festive period.
So from today I need
to start keeping track of my food. I've had loads of success in the past using MyFitnessPal on my phone,
there are plenty of alternatives out there but the key to achieving any weight
loss is to know what you're eating. I've got a fitness tracker that I wear to
help monitor my activity but the big thing I need to do is to have a spin on
the bike. I have one set up on a turbo trainer so I really have no excuses.
The work starts