What a dreadful time we are living through, the world is in a sorry state with climate change not being addressed and war in Europe for the first time. Closer to home, we have a cost of living crisis, and of course, the pandemic is still bubbling under the headlines.
I'm at a time in my life when I should be enjoying new freedoms. Whilst I'm not quite an "empty nester" the kids are all grown up and doing their own thing. Finally I get to go out and hit the bars, see some local gigs, and generally do whatever I want.
But there is a spanner in the works. In fact, it's a bag full of spanners that have been unceremoniously dumped into the works and then someone has then taken a shit in the works and then set the works on fire.
I'm of course talking about the rising costs that are crippling household finances. Add to that the lack of pay rises given to the pubic sector (and the pay cut we were given two years ago). Our power costs have doubled, everyday items increase in price and vehicle
fuel costs are going through the roof.
I am, of course, gutted. My world is on hold (again) - life is just bed and work at the moment and I don't know how long I will have to wait to live. I know there are many that have it worse than me, but that doesn't make it any easier.
On a lighter note I've decided to give my online presence a bit of a refresh. New graphics and a simpler layout. Keep your eyes on this page over the coming weeks .