Tuesday 24 May 2016

1605.25 TOP TELLY PART 2

Ok here's the second look into my telly viewing habits. They're in no particular order. If you missed part one you can see it here.

Sleepy Hollow
An 'out of time' reimagining of the Ichabod Crane story sees the hero transported to modern day. This season (3) has been a bit difficult and I was surprised to see it get renewed for a 4th season. I expect many changes next season.

This is an older show I'm catching up with on Netflix. I'm busy with other shows at the moment so it's on hold. A time travel sci fi show, what's not to like?

I love Sherlock Holmes. I am a big fan of all the incarnations. This version sees Sherlock in modern day New York.

You're The Worst
I came across this by accident and was immediately hooked by this grown up comedy. Season 1 was crammed on 5USA (double bills every week), I'm hoping we get following seasons in due course (although Channel 5 aren't to reliable).

Never caught this on it's original run (called MI5 in the US) so I binge watched season 1 and half of season 2 on Netflix.

Second Chance
This has just started showing on Universal channel and I've got episode 1 queued on my planner. Just learned it has been cancelled so not sure whether to bother.

American Horror Story
Supernatural anthology series. Last season "Hotel" was one of the best yet. Can't wait for the next season.

American Crime Story: People Vs OJ Simpson
Don't know if this was a 'one off' series but it was very well made and gripping (even if everyone obviously knew the outcome).

Another alien invasion show. I've given up after 2 episodes because it just wasn't gripping me.

Another chance find on Netflix. A light hearted crime show with a zombie twist.

Raised by Wolves
One of those 'hidden gems', an actually funny sitcom returned for season 2.

Most of the world likes this one. 

Quite a thought provoking drama about androids set in an alternative present day. Hoping for a season 2 soon. 

The A Word
An eye opening and occasionally funny drama about how a family copes with a child with autism. The little boy acted amazingly. 

I've still got some more to mention. Coming soon to a blog post near you. 

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