Sunday 30 December 2018


I was going to call this post "Christmas Hangover" but circumstances have meant that has had to change. But first let's go back to the beginning.

In summary it's been a good Christmas. I visited my parents just before and also met up with my best mate Mr C for festive drinks. My family was all together on Christmas Eve, it was pretty magical. Christmas Day was a quiet(ish) with just three of us for dinner. The evening was fun with Morticia's stepsister and family visiting and a drunken game of Cards Against Humanity (it was a proper grown-up Christmas). That's the thing now, and the kids are adults so Christmas has changed and keeps changing. 

Boxing Day Morticia's brother and family visited but apart from that it was a lazy day spent grazing and watching seasonal TV. Then in the evening I felt a tickle in the back of my throat. I dismissed it but I woke up the next day feeling like death.

I was supposed to be working but for the first time in almost 2 years I had to call in sick. I've spent the last few days resting and trying to recover. I have had pain throughout my body which at one point was pretty unbearable. It was at that point I realised that this is what Morticia (and anyone that suffers with chronic pain) has to live with every day of her life. It put it into context but didn't make me feel any better. 

So it's almost New Year and my illness is progressing along its path, hopefully towards its conclusion. It's meant that the cartoon for this blog post is probably not quite right for the content. It's also meant that I haven't done the blog post for the Christmas TV week 2 (all I'll say is don't miss Doctor Who on New Year's Day). 

As I lay here surrounded by used tissues I hope I can muster the strength and recover in time for New Year's, after all we are supposed to be visiting the Mother In Law down south. So I hope everyone has had a great yuletide and is ready for the challenges ahead in 2019. 

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